Club Activities




This flagship event for first-year students comprises of 2 rounds. The first-round assesses the knowledge about the brands and marketing campaigns carried out by various companies. The final round puts the participants in a fast-paced setting and encourages them to think out of the box.

Stick or Switch:

stick or switch website

Brace yourself for the competition that will put you in the shoes of a marketing kingpin, test your proficiency at deciding your business’s fortune, and make you feel the twists of fate. The participating teams have to be cunning and quick to prove their mettle in the game.

m night website


A night full of fun and games, knock off your competitors, and survive till the last game. Dumb Charades, Whisper Challenge, and Heads Up games with a twist will question your marketing aptitude and brand knowledge.


b2c website

The event is the first step towards preparation for the B-school competitions conducted by renowned brands. The winners of HUL LIME, ITC Interrobang, Mahindra War Room, and several other prestigious competitions share their strategy to ace the competitions. Then the participants fight head-on to apply their knowledge and skills to win the case competition.


A week full of quizzes and challenges to appraise the cognitive and comprehensive skills of the participants. These quizzes ensure that participants learn interesting facts and trends about the ever changing marketing world. 

Workshops & Tutorials

Along with all these formidable events, Mercur-I tries to keep the Planet-I student community up to date with marketing news and latest developments. The placement preparation sessions organized by the club invite the seniors to share their experiences with the juniors and guide them through the preparation course. 

The club also engages the online audience through its several social media handles. Through the knowledgeable posts and the online challenges, Mercur-I always tries to tap into the raw potential of the readers.

The club conducts

  • Knowledge sharing sessions for first year students
  • Summer placement prep classes
  • Workshops from industry professionals

Online Activities

The club maintains an Instagram page, Facebook page and an open group dedicated to the Club

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