Marketing: Myth vs Reality

Is it a bird, is it a plane…….well, it can be anything you want it to be as long as you know how to market it. While most B-schools grads might be familiar with the conventional definition of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings of value to consumers, if marketing were to be described inContinue reading “Marketing: Myth vs Reality”

How Coca Cola bounced back in India

The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself. Peter.F. Drucker Market leadership, turnover, customer satisfaction etc are few of the many indicators of success for a firm. The success is attributed if the product/service is technologically superior and of good quality or an effectiveContinue reading “How Coca Cola bounced back in India”

HUL spreads its wings to retain edge with projects Telecalling, Columbus

Sagar Malviya, Economic Times Bureau Hindustan Unilever has initiated a project each for urban areas and rural markets to double its direct reach and ensure it retains its advantage of having the largest distribution network in the country even as rivals inch closer. Project Telecalling for urban areas and Project Columbus for rural areas aimContinue reading “HUL spreads its wings to retain edge with projects Telecalling, Columbus”

Is Bharat finally catching up with India for Visa?

By Shephali Bhatt, Economic Times Bureau For the longest time, Visa like many other products in the financial services category advertised like it couldn’t conceive of a non urban audience. In 1996, its first memorable campaign featured a baby faced Sachin Tendulkar speaking of Visa Power and telling us to ‘Go Get It.’ Non metro India figured in the aContinue reading “Is Bharat finally catching up with India for Visa?”